Can Bearded Dragons Eat Swiss Chard? Find Out Now!

Pets are captivating creatures. They make our day full of life and make us forget all our worries. These little angels are like sunshine after a cloudy day. However, when it comes to not-so-usual pets like bearded dragons; it becomes difficult to decide upon their diet. Still, these adorable beardie creatures can be a pets easily with some caution.

Bearded dragons are usually good pets because they are very peaceful, calm, and nice reptiles. With a tendency to be passive, they become calmer with age. As long as they are handled with kindness and gentleness they are much of a problem. However, their foods are also as special as they are. Not every leafy veggie can be served as a platter to a bearded dragon. Especially when it comes to introducing new foods like Swiss chards then there are a few points to be considered.

Can Bearded Dragons eat Swiss Chard?

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Swiss Chard

After going through much research about Swiss chard it is evident that it contains almost equal amounts of beneficial and harmful ingredients. The beneficial contents include calcium, phosphorus, vitamin C, and vitamin A which are essential for the proper development of a bearded dragon.

However, the most harmful content includes the water which comprises an important part of this veggie delight. Wet foods or high water content foods are generally very harmful to your bearded pal because they can lead to upsetting their digestive system.

Thus, it is suggested to use sparring quantities of Swiss chard and it must not be fed at regular intervals. Once in a while is okay. However, if it is replaced completely with other veggies it is highly recommended. Therefore, bearded dragons can eat Swiss chard in very little quantity, and that too not at regular intervals.

What is Swiss Chard?

Swiss chards are leafy greens popularly eaten in the Mediterranean area. These are a close relative of the beet but are more popular for their stems. These contain a lot of value in terms of nutrition. However, the little beardie cannot eat too much of it to avoid any problems. It can be mixed with other nutritious greens to add value to the food of this little creature.

Variety of Swiss Chard

Despite being a member of the leafy green family of kale, spinach, collard greens, and lettuce, Swiss chard is recognized for its bright and vivacious colored stems. These can be found in pink, yellow, red, and purple colors. Additionally, it includes varieties such as Bright Lights, Bright Yellow, Rhubarb Chard, Ford Hook Giant, Lucullus, Rhubarb Red, and Ruby.

When these different varieties are bunched together they are called Rainbow Chards, which usually represent bright-colored chards. It is available almost all year round since it is a biennial crop. These grow well both in hot and cold temperatures. However, these delicate veggies which are highly perishable must be kept with utmost care.

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Nutritional Value of Swiss Chards

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Swiss Chard

Swiss chards are pretty low in calories, carbs, fat, and sugars. However, they are fully equipped with minerals, antioxidants, fibers, and vitamins. Anyhow the question of concern is still the same. Is it good enough for your beardie friend?

Content of Minerals and Vitamins Per 100g Swiss Chard

Vitamin A6124IU
Vitamin C18mg

Vitamin A:

Swiss chards have a great amount of Vitamin A which is good for a beardie pal. However, larger quantities of the same can create a lot of health issues for your dear friend. In addition to this vitamin A has a toxicity level that can prove harmful if eaten in high doses by a beardie. If your dear pet is fed with Swiss chard in optimum quantities then to avoid toxicity, they should not be given any Vitamin A supplements.

Vitamin C:

Swiss chard is also packed with high amounts of Vitamin C. Reptiles like bearded dragons do need Vitamin C for the development of their immune system. However, just like vitamin A, this can also be harmful if given in larger quantities. Therefore, it shouldn’t occur on the food palate at frequent intervals, not at least for your beardie mate.


Your beardie will not grow fully in the absence of calcium and it can lead to severe health conditions. It can be considered one of the most important minerals of the beardie’s diet. Calcium content in Swiss chard is in excellent quantity, which supports your beardie pet with healthy and strong bones. However, Swiss chards have a few harmful constituents in addition to the good ones.


Swiss chards are also packed with another great mineral called phosphorus. Phosphorus is equally good as calcium for this little angel. Swiss chard contains phosphorus and calcium in a close ratio of 1:2 proportionately.


Additionally, the water content in Swiss chard is also high, which can be a problem because wet foods prove harmful for these little creatures. Watery foods can be harmful to bearded dragons. It is so because they directly attack the digestive systems of these little creatures causing diarrhea.

Additionally, the digestive system of bearded dragons is not designed in a way to process watery foods successfully. Therefore, it is recommended to not feed Swiss chards to beardies. However, if you still wish to feed them with this use it in sparring quantities for bearded dragons.

How to prepare Swiss chards for a Beardie?

In case Swiss chards are not prepared well, it can lead to digestive problems for the little friend. These leafy veggies may contain pesticides that are harmful to the health of adorable beardies. Therefore, it is suggested that greens must not be picked up from the wild. In addition to this, the size of the greens also plays a major role. Your loved beardies can choke over larger chunks of food and can also get issues related to their digestive system.

It is advisable to chop the Swiss chards in little chunks or small bite-sized pieces to avoid any choking accidents. For this purpose, you can look for the distance between the beardie’s eyes. The chunk of veggies should not be more than this particular distance. Thus, it can be taken note of while feeding your precious friend. A small amount mixed with other greens is always good to go for this beardie creature.

If you wish to make a great bond with your poet then it is better to feed them by hand. It results in excellent relationships between the two.

For the owner of a bearded dragon, it is not possible to get the right greens for their friend each time. It is tough at times. Furthermore, if you are a new owner then this task can be a more challenging one. It is so because your bearded mate cannot eat every veggie off your plate. You need to look for suitable stuff to feed this little creature. They must be kept away from watery and acidic foods because they can be harmful to their digestive system.

As far as Swiss chard is concerned if mixed in lesser quantities with other veggies these can prove helpful for a bearded dragon. However, it is still recommended to feed your little dragon with sparring or no quantities of Swiss chard. In addition to the right food, with great love and care your little beardie is sure to prosper in your great company.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can bearded dragons eat Swiss chard stems?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat Swiss chard stems in moderation. However, it’s important to chop them into small, manageable pieces to prevent choking hazards.

Is it safe to feed Swiss chard to baby bearded dragons?

It’s generally not recommended to feed Swiss chard to baby bearded dragons due to its high water content. Stick to safer greens like collard greens or mustard greens until they are older.

Can I feed my bearded dragon Swiss chard every day in small amounts?

While Swiss chard contains beneficial nutrients like calcium and vitamin C, it’s best not to feed it to your bearded dragon daily. Limit its consumption to occasional treats to prevent digestive issues.

Are there any substitutes for Swiss chard in a bearded dragon’s diet?

Yes, there are plenty of safe leafy greens you can feed your bearded dragon instead of Swiss chard. Opt for varieties like kale, dandelion greens, or turnip greens as healthier alternatives.

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