What is Bearded Dragon brumation? Sometimes Brumation can be weird and scary. Brumation is the state or condition of sluggishness, inactivity, and torpor exhibited by reptiles such as snakes and lizards during the winter or extended periods of low temperature. This is known as brumation.
Why the Bearded Dragons are Brumating?
Once a year, during the winter season, food can become scarce for beardies in the wildlife. There is limited access to water, so the bearded dragons must find a way to make it three to four months without eating.
When the winter comes, the day should be shorter. The temperature will drop along the shorter days of the winter season, and with less warmth comes less prey. This environment cycle of the season happens for the bearded dragon brumation. This is the monthly nature step for the assistant.
What are the signs your beardie might be brumating?

- Refraining from spending too much time in the basking area, and instead of retreating into cooler parts of the enclosure
- Appetite loss
- Longer periods of sleep
- Searching for dark spots to hide in or digging to build a nesting site.
You may be concerned at first that the behavior is unusual and think your beardie might be ill. Although it is unlikely, that if your beardie has been losing weight or becoming lethargic in the last ten months, we recommend that you see a reptile vet to ensure safety.
What happens to the Bearded Dragon when they Brumate?
When they enter the brumation, the bearded dragons slowly refuse to take the food and eventually stop eating entirely. Their metabolism activity level also becomes slow; this results in less energy which leads to less activity. They will also start to look for a place to burrow in the ground and sleep.
They typically dig a burrow in the ground, enter the hole, and close the opening with dirt. This makes them a safe place with no external heat and no light.
The heat required for the bearded dragons’ digestion will typically evacuate the digestive system before hunkering in their burrow. At this point, the bearded dragons are in semi-drowsy sleepy states.
Some of the bearded dragons are fully asleep, but they are still aware of surrounding alerts from the predators. The bearded dragon brumation in summer or winter, the brumation will happen in both seasons.
Will all the Bearded Dragon Brumate?
For the bearded dragon in captivity, some of the bearded dragon’s owners will report never they are entering into the brumation other reporters bearded dragons brumate once a year. If you are using the timers on your lights, it leads today to vary in length.
Even without the reduced temperate and daylight, the brumation is heavily ingrained genetically, so with the beardie topic, the answers can vary from dragon to dragon.
What are the signs of Bearded Dragons ready to Brumate?
The bearded dragon brumation signs are given by,

- You are entering the fall or winter months in your area
- The activity level of the bearded dragons is down, and they refuse to take greens entirely, but they eat fewer insects than normally
- At the time of brumation, they will refuse to accept the insects entirely
- They will sleep well
- When they usually get up for the day, and they stop basking
- They spent a lot of time in hiding, and they covered the entrance with a pile of specks of dirt
- They will spend days hiding without coming out from the burrow
If you see any of the above signs, it is time for the bearded dragon to enter the brumation.
How long can my Bearded Dragon brumate?
Reptile brumation is dependent on many factors. It is therefore difficult to predict how long your reptile will be hiding away. It is crucial to consider the species of reptile that your reptile will be hibernating for. Reptiles that are kept as pets brumate differently from wild ones.
However, other factors such as gender, age, and geographic origin also play a part. In some cases, reptiles might enter brumation as late autumn approaches. They will then emerge in spring when temperatures rise and days get longer. Bearded dragons usually brumate after they turn 10 to 12 months old. Brumation can be unpredictable for reptiles. They may hibernate extremes in some years, while others may slow down slightly. Other years may be difficult for you to spot significant changes in their behavior.
Know About: Why Is Your Bearded Dragon Not Eating?
How will you prepare your Bearded Dragons for the Brumation?
- Have them checked for parasites – This step will be critical, and it should not be skipped even if your bearded dragons are successfully bromated. The most crucial worry is about the parasites.
- The parasites are the most common in the bearded dragons and checking them yearly at a minimum. These are some of the easily treatable pests that can be harmful to your bearded dragons in regular times, but they can be deadly during the brumation period.
- As a result of metabolism being slowed, your bearded dragons cannot handle the parasitic infections. For this reason, make sure your bearded dragons are free from the parasite before the brumation.
- At the first signs of the brumation, you must schedule a vet appointment and check for the parasites.
- Stop feeding your bearded dragons. The next step is once you know the bearded dragons are parasites, and you will stop feeding to them; you don’t want to give any food to your beardie tummy while they are sleeping for the next few months or weeks.
- Make sure they take one last poop. This is some of the encouragement at this point. We typically step up the warm bath daily; we may also massage the bearded dragon’s abdomen in a downward motion, which encourages the last bowel movement. Once the previous bowel movement, they are usually going down hot.
- Please give them a safe place to sleep. Wild dragons are prey animals because they keep themselves safe and top priority when they are bromating. In the wild, they are typically digging the burrow and covering the opening with debris. This keeps them safe from the primary predators and birds.
- The bearded dragon’s owners will provide the beardies with two hides; one is the warm side of the tank, and another is the cool side of the tank. The bearded will choose the cool side of the tank for hiding.
Before brumation of the bearded dragons, you must know how long do bearded dragons sleep.
What to do during the Brumation of Bearded Dragons?

- Seriously don’t panic about the brumation
- Lighting and heat during the brumation
- Bathing and food during the brumation
- Water during the brumation
- It should be made available while your bearded dragons are brumating.
- Interaction during the brumation
These are the things that you are doing during the brumation of bearded dragons.
How long does Bearded Dragons Brumation last?
This is one of the hard questions to answer because the brumation will be varying from dragon to dragon.
Some bearded dragons will brumate for a few weeks, and others will take up to four months.
How will a bearded dragon get up from months-long sleep?
- Restart the lights. If you are chosen to turn off the tank’s light now, this is the time to get the light on. Even the bearded dragons are not coming out from the hide. We will give them a bright and warm into the tank or burrow. This will result in they are coming out of their hide.
- First meals after the brumation. Your bearded dragons have that much of an appetite for the first few days and after the brumation. Greens and fruits are great options for the foods. Would you please make sure they are available once your beardie becomes active? The bearded dragons eat the fruits and greens of the bearded dragons; they will eat anything and everything.
- The digestive systems of the bearded dragons are working in the brumation period. It is a good idea to give easy food to the digestive. This leads to giving them plenty of foods but avoid hard to digest exoskeletons and crickets.
- Worms are the best solution for these issues. Most specifically, hornworms are recommended. The hornworms are soft-bodied, which is easy to digest. The hornworms are also had high moisture content and rich in calcium. This is the ideal first protein source after the brumation of the bearded dragons.
- After a couple of days of worms as the food, you can go back to the usual regimen. One of the essential final tips is that vitamins and calcium are crucial for your bearded dragons.
- Post brumation bathing is the next step. The regular bathing schedule for the two to three times is needed most of the time, and the daily baths are required for the first three to five days after coming out from the brumation.
- Bathing is one of the most important qualities of your beardie, and it is suitable for their hygiene. The most important thing is that bearded dragons are very thirsty in the first days after brumation.
The brumation is the regular part of the bearded dragon’s life.
Read More: Discover The Top 5 Best Bearded Dragon Terrariums For 2024
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