Category: Cat

  • Cat Throwing Up Food But Acting Normal

    Cat Throwing Up Food But Acting Normal

    Has your cat ever thrown up the food that you have given it to eat? Do you find it strange or suspicious because your cat is otherwise healthy but still isn’t able to digest the food? Situations like this leave you wondering what is wrong with your cat, isn’t it? Well, we can help you…

  • Reasons Why Do Cats Stick Their Tongue Out

    Reasons Why Do Cats Stick Their Tongue Out

    People always think that why cats stick their tongues out, it is mainly the habitual activity of a cat to stick their tongues out from time to time. This behavior of the cat is very normal. So, when questions arise about why cats stick their tongue out, one should focus on the primary behavior of the cat…

  • Why Do Cats Cover Their Face When They Sleep

    Why Do Cats Cover Their Face When They Sleep

    Cats make exceptionally adorable pets, and their charm is evident in many ways. You’ve probably noticed that your kitty companion enjoys sleeping in a variety of postures. And in the majority of sleeping positions, you’ll see your fuzzy, small friend protecting its face with either its paws or its tail. There are only two explanations…

  • Can Cats Eat Beans? All You Need to Know!

    Can Cats Eat Beans? All You Need to Know!

    YES, Cats Can eat Beans but it depends on what type of bean it is, perhaps the most asked question by cat owners around the world. For instance, raw green beans can be terrible for your feline companion if they are cooked improperly. They can cause a blockage or other stomach-related issues. So is the…

  • Is It Healthy To Give A Pepperoni To Cats?

    Is It Healthy To Give A Pepperoni To Cats?

    No, it is not healthy to give pepperoni to cats. Pepperoni is made with preservatives and colors that aren’t meant for cats to eat. Some of them have the potential to cause your cat to become ill. So, while a small amount of pepperoni isn’t poisonous to your cat, it’s not something you should feed…