Category: Dog Diet

  • Can Dogs Eat Pork Bones Safely?

    Can Dogs Eat Pork Bones Safely?

    You had a big feast with your family and ate a plate full of saucy pork ribs along with some cold drinks. Now the meal is over, and all you have is leftovers. You have also cleared the bones, which once had juicy meat filled with flavourful BBQ sauce. At this time, a thought may…

  • Can Dogs Have Carrots?

    Can Dogs Have Carrots?

    You must be wondering whether carrots are safe for your puppy or not, isn’t it? It’s quite obvious that vegetables are healthy for human beings but can dogs have carrots? Yes, of course. Let’s cut to the chase and take a deep dive into the dilemma. Can Dogs Eat Carrots? Most importantly, your puppy will…

  • Can Dogs Eat Eggplant: Know Health Benefits, Side-Effects & Ways To Feed Eggplant To Dogs

    Can Dogs Eat Eggplant: Know Health Benefits, Side-Effects & Ways To Feed Eggplant To Dogs

    You know what, you’ve come to the right page. We’re going to clear all of these doubts one by one let you know the answer: can dogs eat eggplant. Let me guess. You have a pet dog and you’re wondering is eggplant good for dogs! Eggplant is known to cause food allergy in some Asian countries but…

  • Can Dogs Eat Pumpkin Seeds?

    Can Dogs Eat Pumpkin Seeds?

    Have you ever wanted to feed your dog pumpkin seeds but couldn’t do it. And this is mainly because you weren’t sure about can dogs eat pumpkin seed or not? Well, we understand that feeling. Because being a dog parent and not wondering whether your fur baby can eat a certain food or not is impossible. But…

  • Best High Fiber Dog Food Anal Gland Problems (with Prevention Tips)

    Best High Fiber Dog Food Anal Gland Problems (with Prevention Tips)

    Doesn’t it hurt when you have to see your dear dog suffer from the worst best high-fiber dog food anal gland problems? Not only is it uncomfortable for the dog to undergo all its stages, the gassy smell, mess, and dreaded ‘scoot’ all over the ground it comes along with makes things difficult for the…

  • Can Dogs Eat Black Beans?

    We have recently come across so many queries related to whether dogs can eat black beans or can puppies eat beans? Yes, they can also consume black beans and their other variants. It is one food that is enjoyed a lot by your furry friends. Beans are a great source of plant-based protein, which means that…

  • Can Dogs Have Pistachios?

    Can Dogs Have Pistachios?

    People have always preferred dogs as pets for being loyal and faithful to their masters. Not only are they trustworthy, but they are also indefinitely adorable. So, who can blame someone for falling in love with these quadrupeds? However, with love and desire to pet, them comes responsibility. We all know how pets try to…