
Can Dogs Eat Eggplant: Know Health Benefits, Side-Effects & Ways To Feed Eggplant To Dogs

You know what, you’ve come to the right page. We’re going to clear all of these doubts one by one let you know the answer: can dogs eat eggplant.

Let me guess. You have a pet dog and you’re wondering is eggplant good for dogs!

Eggplant is known to cause food allergy in some Asian countries but detailed studies on eggplant allergy are lacking. But this still makes us question our decision of feeding the same to children and pets. We surely can’t deny that.

But don’t worry, this article is tailor-made to help clear all of these questions related to eggplant, whether it’s desirable to be fed to dogs, its nutrition content, and every other detail.

So, without any further ado, let’s find out!

Benefits Of Eggplant For Dogs

While we’re on this topic, let us first look at how eggplants can help dogs become healthier. To put it simply, is eggplant good for dogs?

Coming to the health benefits of eggplant for dogs, it contains vitamins B6 and K as well as potassium, folate, niacin, and phytonutrients, which help to protect against various diseases. They are low in calories and high in fiber which can help a dog on a diet to feel full.

Let’s get into the details.

1.   Nutritional value of eggplant (one cup= 82 grams)

Carbs5 grams
Fiber3 grams
Protein1 gram
Manganese10% of the RDI (Recommended Dietary Intake)
Folate5% of the RDI (Recommended Dietary Intake)
Potassium5% of the RDI (Recommended Dietary Intake)
Vitamin K4% of the RDI (Recommended Dietary Intake)
Vitamin C3% of the RDI (Recommended Dietary Intake)

2.   High in Antioxidants

  • Antioxidants are substances that protect the body from damage caused by harmful substances known as free radicals. Studies have proven that antioxidants could help prevent many types of chronic disease, such as heart disease and cancer
  • Eggplants are especially rich in anthocyanins, a type of pigment with antioxidant properties that are responsible for their vibrant color. Hence, in addition to containing a variety of vitamins and minerals, eggplants contain a high number of antioxidants.

3.   Helps Reduce the Risk of Heart Diseases

Credit goes to their antioxidant content; some studies suggest that eggplants help reduce the risk of heart diseases to a great extent. In one study, animals were fed raw and grilled eggplant for a month which is approximately 30 days.

Both of them improved heart function and reduced heart attack severity. Other studies have proven that eggplants may have a protective effect on the heart.

4.   Might Help in Blood Sugar Balance

This is mainly because eggplants are high in fiber, which can lower blood sugar by slowing the rate of digestion and absorption of sugar in the body. Slower absorption keeps blood sugar levels steady and prevents spikes and crashes.

5.   Weight Loss Control

Eggplants are high in fiber and low in calories. That makes them an excellent component for any weight loss routine diet. Fiber moves through the digestive tract slowly and helps in digestion and metabolism, thus breaking down the calorie intake.

6.   Might Possess Anti-Cancer Elements

Eggplant contains numerous substances that show potential in fighting cancer cells. For example, solasodine rhamnosyl glycosides (SRGs) are a type of compound found in some nightshade plants, including eggplant that help fight active cancer cells to a significant extent.

Some animal studies have also shown that SRGs could cause the death of cancer cells and may also help reduce the recurrence of certain types of cancer.

Well, this was all about the healthier side of eggplants. But a lot of you are mainly worried about the adverse side effects of eggplant that might be harmful or even cause health hazards. Hence, we’ve decided to talk about these side effects in detail in the next section.

Side Effects Of Eggplant Consumption For Dogs

As dog parents, you all do need to take proper care of the pets’ food habits and we understand your concern. It’s only natural to be skeptical about eggplant especially when it is proven to cause allergies sometimes.

To help you understand better, here are a few possible explanations to “is eggplant bad for dogs?”

1.   Inflammation and Rashes

Well, some dogs are allergic to eggplants. A few common signs of allergy include itchiness, rash, upset stomach, facial swelling, vomiting, or sore tummy.

2.   Indigestion

Contact your preferred vet if your dog has any of these symptoms after eating eggplant. A good indicator of whether your dog would have an allergic reaction to eggplant is if he/she is allergic to tomatoes, as eggplants and tomatoes are both nightshade vegetables.

Nightshade fruits and veggies can cause indigestion problems and worsen existing conditions in your pet.

3.   Kidney Stones

Another very important thing that you should know is that dogs who deal with kidney issues or arthritis should avoid eggplant as the symptoms of their condition can worsen.

A small amount of eggplant is perfectly safe for a healthy dog to eat, but those prone to kidney stones shouldn’t eat vegetables that contain oxalates.

4.   Sodium poisoning

Eggplant contains an unhealthy amount of sodium. Dogs only need a tiny amount of sodium in their daily diet, and an excess can lead to sodium poisoning. Hence if you are wondering if eggplants are poisonous to dogs, the answer is yes, sometimes they could be.

That was all about the allergic reactions to eggplant but that is not it. Move on to the next section if you’re curious about the health risks that the eggplants might pose at times while feeding your pets.

The Risks Of Feeding Dogs With Eggplant

Given its history of causing allergies and adverse side effects, it is only natural for you to ponder whether to feed your dog or not. As there are always certain risks of feeding your dog with eggplant, let’s delve a little deeper.

1.   Arthritis

As we know already, eggplant is classified under the nightshade family. This branch of plants contains alkaloids such as solanine, which may cause your dog to suffer from inflammation or arthritis.

2.   Iron Deficiency

There are also some risks associated with Iron Absorption and Nasunin. Nasunin in eggplant plants binds with iron content, thus removing it from cells. This reduction in iron could worsen pre-existing conditions like Anemonia. Hence, you need to be extra careful with that.

3.   Kidney Infection

As mentioned earlier, there are risks with the fact that Eggplant has a high content of oxalate. Oxalate can lead to an increased risk of kidney stone formation. Kidney stones can, in extreme cases, lead to kidney death or acute oxalate nephropathy. Hence, eggplants should be completely avoided if your dog has a bad history with kidneys.

4.   Not fully edible

The leaves and stem of the Eggplant contain solanine, which is a natural pesticide. The only part of an Eggplant safe for dogs is the flesh of the fruit and hence is the only edible portion for dogs.

Learn How To Feed Your Dog Properly!

Learn How To Feed Your Dog Properly!

Now, I’m sure you must be wondering about how to feed your dog with eggplant. Therefore, here are a few effective ways with the help of which you can feed your dogs without worrying about digestion-

1.   Maintaining Moderation

So, considering how different the dog gut is to ours, dogs should eat Eggplant in moderation in order to prevent them from getting sick.

2.   Don’t cook but boil

You might have other questions like can dogs eat eggplant cooked? The answer is yes, it’s also best for dogs to eat Eggplant raw or plainly cooked without any added seasonings and oils.

3.   Quantity

A large quantity of eggplant in one sitting can cause an upset tummy, vomiting, or diarrhea. Hence, be sure to serve eggplant in bite-sized pieces to prevent an eager gobbler from choking.

4.   How to prepare the meal

Even though dogs can eat raw eggplant since it is not usually poisonous, they may not enjoy the flavour, so grilling, baking, or roasting is recommended.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.    Can dogs eat the skin of eggplant?

Yes, the skin is safe for dogs to eat. You do not have to peel the eggplant before you cook it. However, there is a lot of fibre in the eggplant skin. If your dog has a sensitive stomach, this fibre could upset it, so it might be best to just peel it first.

2.    Is eggplant with egg good for dogs?

Eggplant is safe for your dogs. However, some dogs can be allergic. Dogs who deal with kidney issues or arthritis should avoid eggplant as the symptoms of their condition can worsen. If you feed your dog eggplant, make sure to watch for any symptoms of an allergic reaction.

3.    Will eggplant make my dog sick?

Dogs often enjoy grilled, baked, or roasted eggplant more than raw eggplant. However, in spite of its high nutritional content, it is possible for a dog to be allergic to eggplant and develop symptoms of a rash, vomiting, or upset stomach. But you can always take precautions and extra care before feeding your dog to avoid these kinds of troubles.

To Summarise

Dogs can eat Eggplant as it is very nourishing, i.e., full of nutrients. As a plus point, it also has low calories at the same time. But at the same time, we shouldn’t forget that dogs can’t eat eggplant parmesan like us.

Hence, it’s very important for us to keep in mind all of the dos and don’ts that have been listed in the above article. Observe your dog’s metabolic rate and then identify whether your dog is prone to any of the risks mentioned in the article. Feed them eggplants according to the same, that’s it!


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